A professional tool to deal with the corners and stenosis problem that an ordinary screwdriver can not reach.
It can be connected to an electric drill, a rechargeable electric drill or manual wrench, to reach the places and twist the screws or nuts that other drills can't.
It canbend, twist and spin at many different angles. It can reach and work flexibly in various crevices instead of your hand. It perfectly deals with any narrow spaces, dead angles and other places that screwdriver can not be reached.
It is an important tool for narrow working environment,such as computer case, electrical cabinets, furniture, electrical appliances, auto repair, and other hardware maintenance and repair, etc.
Suitable for ordinary hand drill, electric drill, electric wrench and manual wrench,with perfect performance. With magnetic batch headto ensure the sleeves, screws or nuts will not drop and prevent loss.
The flexible shaft is made of high quality alloy, which is practical and durable. The inner shaft rotates with a flexible outer shield to protect your hands during use.